Stay in touch with Bethlehem with our Weekly Announcements!
We will look at 16 different crosses both on Sundays and Wednesdays. Over time, the cross has taken on a variety of shapes by those who have personalized its purpose. The cross in its different forms has become a symbolic means of proclaiming the Gospel. Galatians 3:13, says “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” There will be 2 services per Wednesday through Lent: 3:00pm and 7:00pm from March 5th through April 9th
3/5 ASH WED: The Cross of Ashes - BAPTISM
3/9: Saint Peter’s Cross - HUMILITY
3/12: The Cross of Life - HEALTH
3/16: Cross Crosslet - MISSION
3/19: The Budded/Trefoil Cross - REGENERATION
3/23: The Jerusalem Cross - PROPHECY
3/26: The Thieves Cross - REPENTANCE
3/30: The Orthodox Cross - REDEMPTION
4/2: The Luther Rose Cross - FAITH
4/6: The LCMS Cross - UNITY
4/9: The Wedding Cross - LOVE
4/13: PALM SUN The Robed Cross - ROYALTY
4/18: GOOD FRI The Crucifix - DEATH
4/19: EASTER VIGIL The Passion Cross - SUFFERING (Virtual)
4/20: EASTER The Chi Rho – VICTORY
After worship Bible study is every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall 10:30-11:15am. During summer, hear more about Sunday’s Scriptures.
Lutheran Bible Translators. Millions of people don’t have the Bible in their own language. Lutheran Bible Translators partners with individuals, organizations, and language communities to put God’s Word in their hands. Please consider a donation and visit for more information.
Generosity –The Bible reminds us that life on Earth is uncertain and nothing is guaranteed, but when we put our hope in God's provision, we Spiritual Growth - Lent is the season that the church has set aside for us to intentionally reflect on our relationship with God, others, and ourselves, when we prepare our hearts and minds for Easter through special prayers and spiritual disciplines. Devotionals, prayers and Bible reading can help you grow as a steward.
Weekly Worship
Sundays at 9am & Wednesdays at 7pm
Special Holy Week Services
Sunday, April 13: 9:00am Palm Sunday WorshipThursday, April 17: 7:00pm LIVING LAST SUPPER Drama Service
Friday, April 18: 3:00pm Good Friday Passion Service
7:00pm Good Friday Service of DarknessSunday, April 20: 7:00am Easter Sunrise Service
8:00am FREE Easter Breakfast
9:00am Resurrection Day Celebration Service
10:00am Children's Easter Egg Hunt