Stay in touch with Bethlehem with our Weekly Announcements!
After worship Bible study is every Sunday in the Fellowship Hall 10:30-11:15am. During summer, hear more about Sunday’s Scriptures.
A group of volunteers has come together to form what we're calling the Ministry Expansion team. Our objective is to form a strategic plan to help BLC share the word of God. We don't have the answers to how to do that yet, but we're going to try! Please see or reach out to Kyle Christensen ( or 302-379-2399) with any questions or recommendations.
Life’s Connection. We encourage you to grab a baby bottle from the Narthex, fill it up with loose change (or paper $!) and return to the church office. Bottles are due back January 12th. Life’s Connection offers medical and counseling professionals that provide medical services, counseling and education located in Waukesha and Mukwonago. Visit
Generosity –The Bible reminds us that life on Earth is uncertain and nothing is guaranteed, but when we put our hope in God's provision, we can rest assured that he'll provide for our needs. Giving to others helps us tangibly practice trusting in God rather than our riches or belongings.
Wednesday, December 18th – 1:00pm Advent Worship & 7:00pm Blue Christmas Worship, Thursday, December 19th – Preschool Christmas Program, Sunday, December 22nd – 9:00am Worship, Tuesday, December 24th – 3:00pm Christmas Live Nativity, Wednesday, December 25th – 9:00am Christmas Day Worship